Suit up for a mission to the International Space Station or train for a landing on the moon! Space Camp® is the ultimate educational experience that illuminates real-world applications of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Students…
Space Academy® trainees experience firsthand the future of space travel and train to solve technically challenging anomalies in order to complete their space mission. Trainees practice clear communication through aquatic team-building activities…
Get Ready to Take Your Giant Leap! Space Academy® for Leading Students in Alabama (SALSA) is a program funded by the State of Alabama Legislature that awards a male and female student between the ages of 12 to 14 from every legislative district…
Advanced Space Academy® explores college and career preparation through an immersive experience in science, engineering, technology and math. Trainees experience a variety of astronaut training exercises, engineering challenges and team-building…
Advanced Space Academy® Elite, a culminating Space Camp program for trainees ages 17 to 18, is by invitation only. Registration is not available online.Advanced Space Academy is now a prerequisite for Advanced Space Academy Elite. You must have…
Three days, Two nights Always wanted to be an astronaut, but were too old for Space Camp? We have a camp for you! Adult Space Academy is an adventurous, weekend experience allowing campers to assume roles in hands-on, interactive space missions and…